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Created by darren caveney

Game Introduction

I am creating a map for unreal tournament. The map I have decided to create is a sci-fi Research and development facility in which was open to the public.  I am also going to add a bit of an apocalyptic/damage to the building as I want to have some type of reason/story on why the players are there and not the fact that they have just been thrown into the environment. My map is also going to incorporate both Death match and Capture the flag as playable modes as this is something I have not seen in any of the Maps that are currently in development for unreal. 


As I am going to be developing a map for unreal tournament the engine and base platform are already constricted to that of Unreal engine 4 and PC its self. However I am not planning on adding or deducting features from the base engine or platform. I am going to utilize all the current features with in the engine. This may change as my development of my map progresses further.       

Artwork ( Design )

There is a multitude of things that need to be done in the art and design section in order to get the map done. Theses are the documents,art pieces and design documentation that need to be completed.

. Understanding/Research Unreal Brief

. Mind map/Brain Storm

. Game play Research ( Playing Unreal tournament )

. Moodboards

. SWOT analysis 

. Map Layout

. Presentation 

. Agile Scrum

. Design Document

. Map Blocked Out

. Play Test

. Add in Assets and effects

. Play Test


. Play Test 

. Then Continue with polishing and play testing the map until ready for release

Other things maybe added to this list as development goes forward.



For the development of my map I do not  plan on altering any of the current features that within unreal tournament already, nor do I plan on adding any either.

The features that are currently in Unreal:

. Modes

. Death match

. Capture the Flag

. Instagib

. Weapons

. Bio Rifle

. Enforcer pistol

. Flak Cannon

. Sniper rifle 

. Shock rifle

. Rocket launcher

. Impact hammer

. link gun

. Redeemer

. Translocator

. Health

. Armour

. Lights

. Spot light

. point light

. Volumes

Audio & Sound FX

For the development of my map I do not  plan on altering any of the current features that within unreal tournament already, nor do I plan on adding any either.

The features that are currently in Unreal:

. Modes

. Death match

. Capture the Flag

. Instagib

. Weapons

. Bio Rifle

. Enforcer pistol

. Flak Cannon