Peppy Penguins is a strategic one player game in which the player must race against the clock to catch all the fish that jump out of the fishing holes before time runs out. Peppy Penguin needs these fish to feed his family! He must catch as much fish as he can before the other penguins come and take them all.
This player will take on the persona of Peppy the Penguin. The game will be set in the Antartica. The player must strategically think of ways to catch all the fish without losing a life. The player must catch all the fish, within the time limit in order to make it to the next level.
Target audience & platforms
Look and Feel
The whole story of this game revolves around a penguin called Peppy. Peppy the Penguin is very hungry. He hasn't eaten in days because he's been too busy minding he and his wife's egg between his legs. Baby Pep the penguin was born happy and healthy, now its time for food.
The player must help Peppy catch as many fish as he can before they go back into their fishing holes. Peppy is motivated to catch as many fish as he can because he wants to be able to feed his family.
How to Play
To play this game, the player must catch the fish that jump out of the fishing holes in the ice by running over when they emerge from the water. But be quick! The fish won't stay for long!
A basic breakdown of the game:
A fish will emerge jumping out of one of the fishing holes.
The player must run over to the fish.
The player must press 'c' to collect the fish before the fish goes back into the water.
Every fish amounts to a different number of points:
Crustacean: 2 points
Krill: 5 points
Squid: 10 points
To get to the next level of the game, the player must have caught enough fish amounting to the amount of points needed to get to the next level. The player must have at least one life left to continue onto the next level of the game
The is a strategic game. The player will have to race against the clock to catch as many fish as they can. This game will evoke feelings of adrenaline of excitement in the player as they rush to collect as many fish as they possibly can in hopes that their lives don't run out. The player will have to think strategically about how to catch all the fish in a short space of time. The player may come up with a plan or strategy to make sure they catch all the fish and get onto the next level.
Peppy Penguins is a strategy game where the player must run and try to collect the fish that jump out of the fishing holes before they go back into the fishing hole.
Each fish will only appear for a certain amount of time. This will be in seconds. The player who must run and try catch each of these fish before the time runs out. If the player lets the fish get away, the player will lose one of his/hers lives that will be in the shape of fish, displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. The player will have three lives at the beginning of every opening of the game.
The game will intensify and get harder as the player goes through the levels. This means the fish jump out of the hole faster leading to the player having to engage and focus even more in order to catch the fish.
The player will only move up a level if they have completed the previous level with a life left. All three lives will be restored when the player moves onto another level. This will really stimulate the brain and the adrenaline from playing should motivate the player to beat their own high score which is the objective of the game.
The distance between fishing holes will broaden as the player goes up in the game levels. This will intensify the game and add to the pressure created by the game.
This game is designed to be played on a computer or laptop.
User Interface (controls)
The player will be able to control all of the actions of the penguin. Movement controls are basic. The default setting of the penguins movement is a waddle which is fast, this waddle can not be sped up or slowed down. The player does not have to worry about increasing speed in order to collect the fish. The speed of the penguins waddle is standard throughout the game.
All controls are:
Left Arrow to go to the left
Right Arrow to go to the right.
Up Arrow to move forward
Down Arrow to retreat.
'C' Key to collect the fish
Game Aesthetics
The game's terrain will be designed to mimic the Antartica. Snow and mountains will be used to create this terrain. The skybox will be white to resemble a white sky. There will be water holes/fishing holes scattered across the screen. There will be six fishing holes on the terrain. In these six holes on the ice there will be water. They will be scattered in equal distance from one another on screen.
Snow capped mountains and water will be used to distinguish the game boundaries. As the levels move on, the distance between these holes will change making catching the fish more of a challenge for the player.
There will be a graphic displaying the amount of 'lives' the player has in the corner of the screen. The shape of these 'lives' will be basic cartoon fish. There will be a timer on the left-hand corner of the screen to inform the player of how much timer they have left to collect fish.
If a player has lost all their lives, a graphic will pop up to tell the player that they have lost. This will be a red screen with a smiley with crosses as eyes to signify that the penguin is dead. A happy smiley graphic in the colour green will pop up when the player has completed a level of a game.
Peppy the Penguin is the main character of the game. The player will not interact with other characters as this is a strategy game. The player will only interact with the fish.
Audio & Sound F/x
A bing will sound when you catch a fish
There will be a waddling sound when the penguin is walking.
There will be a splash sound when the fish goes back into the water.
There will be background music that will be easy to listen to with a constant rhythm that the player will grow accustomed to, hopefully this will help with concentration.
Game Elements
Collection of fish/Catch the fish - The player will have to collect as many fish as they possibly can before the fish go back into the water. If the player fails to catch a fish, they will lose a life.
Beat your own score- The player will be motivated to beat their own high score and keep trying until they get to the next level of the game.