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Created by David Jervis

Game Introduction

As it is with millions upon millions of people around the world at this time and in the so distant past, over the years this subject of talk is always controversial and substantial. Every year and decade new viruses and diseases are created from various sources and combinations. We've seen various outbreaks and periods of time where Humanity has struggled with what is created in this world to harm us or simply slow down our progression to be the "perfect race" on Earth. With that comes challenges, obstacles and mountain climbs to look for the better outcome and I want to simply explore the very rival we have today and mix it with one of my favorite categories of games. 

So I decided to mix viruses and strategic tower defense together to built this educational game I hope. I will be targeting Skin viruses and bacteria specifically. Your goal in this game is to protect the human immune system by setting up defenses as the human body does against bacteria entering the skin and their goal is to enter the bloodstream of your veins to spread. The battlefield is the vertical view of the layer of human skin. As you progess, you will travel to other parts of the skin to do the same and prevent the person to go under illness and fail your only reason for existing. 

You as a character is "The Brain", you send signals (placing the turrets) to your cells and format them to co-operate and defend the blood veins. Failure will result in a restart and you progress to more levels until the person is fully protected and healthy. You will also get to learn about your turrets and the bacteria you fight giving you an education as you play.  

Target audience & platforms
Look and Feel


The Story of my game is that you control the defense system for a human being on the skin. Your job is to defend against waves of bacteria and viruses. Turrets are TBA as they will likely be drugs/medicines/components to help defend off the enemies. 

There will be waves and you must survive and keep the person healthy throughout your levels otherwise you fail. Every 3 waves the bacteria will change course and you must adapt to that situation when the time comes. Prevent bacterial infection and save the day. 

How to Play

You start off after loading a new or saved game that the map is based on a strategic tower defense game so blocky outline and you must place turrets to defeat enemies on that path chosen given with what device you play on there will be instructions on keys involved in playing the game. You simply manage the layout of your defense against the enemies and you are constantly evolving your tactics as the enemies do so also to try bypass you and reach their goal. 

You can upgrade, move or sell your turrets once bought and placed and it is up to you on how the level plans out based on you turret choices and placements and upgrades especially. If you don't upgrade then tougher enemies will be hard to handle.  

PC, Mobile Devices and possibly Consoles...

System requirements for performance of my game will be windows 10 preferably depending on Unity accessibility still with Windows 7 and older. Mobile Phones and tablets will be other platforms of which can be played on and Facebook Gamesroom. With feedback towards the end of creating this game I might take the route of including consoles also. 

Cartoon/Animated Influence

For prosthetic s I will attempt a cartoon/animated style for my game, Each turret and map will be handled differently for variety to keep interest for myself creating them and for the end user's entertainment. With my theme and approach to the game and that is of a game based in human skin fighting off bacteria so I hope to implement natural but intensive graphics with the cartoon style. 


Standard Movement with W,A,S.D or ↓↑→← on keyboard

The keys of movement for Console are as follows:

Left Analog stick - Move up, down, right and or left. 

Right Analog stick - Rotate view of camera 

Y/Triangle + LB/L1 - Select turret

RT/R2 + Right Analog stick - Zoom 

X/Square - Special Abilities 

Movement on Mobile Devices; 

Simplified version with touch screen implementing what to choose etc "swipe up: move up, tap on turret: selects turret".

Movement for PC:

W - Move up 

A - Move left 

S - Move down 

D - Move right 

Left Mouse Click - Place turret/Choose turret/Enemy Details/ Special Abilities/ 

Right Mouse Click - Move Turret/Upgrade turret

Scroll or numbers - Cycle turret

Scroll = Zoom 

Q - Special Abilities 

Vector Art

I think the material system in Unity is admirable at best, I'm not sure to include Vector Art as that involves mathematics equational colours and I don't know how they work yet with Unity. It could be a possibility for skins of the turrets but I will experiment with soon and update how I do. 

HUD Overlay

The HUD will be based around the screen of the game to show the end user what is available to help play the game and show details on how to play the game. 

For my game, Waves of enemies, currency, pause menu, settings, are all options I will have at the top of my game while at the bottom will be turret selection. Details of next wave and possibility hints maybe. 

They will probably have a comic sans font added to the text and displayed within boxes based on Margin and Padding. These options are essential tools of any game and will always be present in game and not during loading scenes. 


The end user will have the opportunity to choose up to 6urrets at the moment. Each turret is effective and not as effective against certain enemies. There will be upgrades to help prevent progression of incoming enemies a little longer to turn the tide and keep your body system safe. The determination of these turrets are based on actual defenses of the body against bacteria. The follows names of the turrets are as follows. 

1st - Neutrophils - A common white blood cell in the body and usually is the first thing to fight bacteria in the skin. 

2nd - T helper Cells - Doubles the fire rate of Neutrophils and increases damage only for Neutrophils. Every other turret it just doubles the fire rate without upgrades still. 

3rd - Marcophage - A big brute cell that eats up bacteria in it's path. When placed next to a T helper it eats 2x faster. 

4th - Dendritic Cells - Their sight is longer than a Neutrophils and can deal more damage. Heavier turret for long lasting rounds they count. 

5th - B Cells - Creates blue balls (cells) to counter act the bacteria. They go the other direction on the path and attack the bacteria. Produces 3 per 5 seconds. 

6th - Surpressor T Cells - slows down the bacteria on the chosen path. 

All these turrets are accessible to upgrades to improve their role in defending the skin as the levels goes on for the end user depending on if the currency is saved to use. 


Bacteria will be the enemies of this game. The end user's job is to prevent these devious and troublesome bacteria from reaching the blood behind the skin. If so will lead the person to infection and you will fail to prevent infection. 

Certain bacteria enemies have weaknesses and strengths against your turrets and will try to out think how you behave in order to bypass you. The list of bacteria are as follows:

Streptococcus: These little nasty chained together bacteria are the most common bacteria encountered in the human body. The cause common colds and flu's. They are the most common enemy you will encounter but never underestimate their strength in numbers. 

Enteroccci: Don't mistake these guys for Streptococcus, They are smaller and stronger and usually are a dark purple. They are also faster and too many will lead to bowel problems for the person. 

Staphylococcus: These big yellow bacteria attacks almost all hair and skin in the human body especially the throat and nose. These guys are tough to take down and will be a challenge for your turrets but they are slow moving units due to bulky like stature. 

Herpes:  This virus is commonly known around the world. Their distinct look is black matte and are quick and hard to handle. Keep an eye on these or it will be too late and could brake out anywhere on the body.

echovirus: The most common of them all. Medium difficulty with health and mobility with theses guys they cause the common colds and other sicknesses. Keep an idea out for their pointy round edged surface with distinct blue and green colours. 

coxsackievirus: Odd member of the virus family. They mostly target feet, hands and mouth but have turned up in particular places before, Hard not to notice with their dark purple and black texture. These guys are more armored than others providing tough opponents when not needed to be. 

Level Design

There will be 8 levels with each having a higher difficulty than the last and reset after you complete each one. Increase number of enemies occur as you progress. The route of which the enemies will take changes every 3 waves in a level. There will be 12 waves in each level so a total of 4 routes happen given variety and our end user ability to fluctuate throughout the level.

2D or 3D

Unity's Engine can do both, I feel 2D would best suit best for my game but the requirements say different. I have tutorial sidelined to follow now for the 3D based aspect so I am looking forward to creating this game anyhow 3D will be more diverse for gameplay and fluidity. 

It certainly tells a whole other story for my game.  

Global Elements

I think a visible wall will display the boundaries of the map. The skin will be one side and the blood vessels will be another. The map will be extended beyond the invisible boundary also of which turrets can be placed so everything is contained in the map. I might include objects in the game set out on the map that simply won't allow you to place on those paths to change the strategy of where they are placed if up to the player. Camera views will be locked and won't have the ability to tilt to see the horizon. Players will see the outskirts off these walls but they'll just be materialized by the object. 

45% angle

There will be no featured angle in my game below 60%. I don't want the horizon to be featured in my game mostly bird's eye view to get the full sense of the map. I want the angle to be set solid. No need for it any lower or higher and off course zoom will be applied if the players prefers to be closer to the battlefield or to view the model details of the turrets and bacteria along with the map also. 

Game Flow Chart

Image below is a basic flow chart of how my game will function with each section. I hope this path can be done effectively.

Abstract Classes/Components

I think to make the game code simpler I will user a turret abstract class if needed to group turrets and same with the enemies so no duplication problems occur or extra coding. To keep neater also don't want nor need extra stuff involved that isn't needed. 

Technical Requirements

Any speaker of surround sound system connected to your pc or console along with a mobile phones speaker should be already inherited and shouldn't have any issues. 

Player Elements

There will be no vibrations occurring. Sound effects will be added to turret placement. surroundings, enemy movement, map life, warning of waves starting and background music. 

I will be creating the sounds for turrets and enemies whereas background and map life might have to be implemented.  

Global Elements

As concurred previously. With research I will discover a suitable background sound or sounds evolving music for situations like when waves are active, intense music will be play throughout the level. A different type of music will be played at the main menu also and settings and the volume can be controlled in the settings also.   

Key Features

You are the Brain of the person you are protecting as proven by scientific studies that the brain controls your system to defend against bacteria that harm the body. The whole story of my game is educational and hasn't been done before. You control products that are produced by the body to counteract the bacteria from reaching further into your system. The idea is educational and beneficial to actually know what helps and protects you in your system while your sick and to interact with that idea with a game, a process of fun activity involved. 

Hopefully how the game looks will attract people to play it and also the idea that this hasn't been done or seen before based on my information and research that hopefully it will draw people in to play it. I look to extend this game further after handed in as a assignment so it can stay refreshing so more levels, more story ideas and more enemies and turret variety as I do see this idea to progress further than where it is and where its going right now.