Record Scratch is a game that focuses on the main character who is thrown into this new and exciting musical world where music is the main source of life and the only thing that matters. The character has to jump from vinyl to vinyl to make into the next level which will be a different genre of music. There will also be prizes to be won along the way, the character will have the choice to collect special vinyls that could give the player extra lives and the character will also be able to collect fun musical objects such as microphones and say an electric guitar if the player was on the rock and roll level. I want this game to be something that everyone can enjoy all ages will be interested in and have fun with.
Game Introduction
- Genre
- Record Scratch is a platform game where the character will be jumping from vinyl to vinyl to make it to the next level.The game will be exciting and easy enough to play there will be fun twists and turns like prizes to be won and lives to be lost. It will be a source of entertainment for many and an escape from daily life.
- GamePlay
- The only rules of the game are to make it across the vinyls by jumping there are no shortcuts in record scratch. They will face challenges which will be collecting prizes and trying not to lose lives along the way. The player will hopefully feel connected to the game and treat record scratch as a place where the plater can go to be with music and have a good time.
- Target audience & platforms
- The target audience for record scratch will be players who enjoy a not too competitive game and love music. Record scratch is a game that I would like to be played by all ages and enjoyed by many. I believe it will be played by not just teens and young adults even though that will be the target audience it will be advertised for all ages in a sense.
- Look and Feel
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- The look and feel of record scratch will be quite retro, because the game is based around music I want that to shine through, because of this I think some retro qualities will suit the game and make it interesting to look at. Records themselves are retro so of course the game will have to be that way too.
The story of "Record Scratch" begins with a character who is stuck in their daily routine and their only escape is music. Music helps them to express themselves and its a distraction of the boring day to day life they have become accustomed to. One day the character is decides they want to escape reality by listening to some of their favourite music. The character closes their eyes to really enjoy their music and suddenly when they open them back up they are in the exciting world of "Record scratch". The world is exciting and new its nothing like reality, the character soon finds out that Record scratch is a game where they have to jump across the floating vinyls to unlock the next level(music genre) and they can collect prizes along the way that can help them do so. Record scratch is bright and loud world with music filling the atmosphere.
How to Play
The game will be simple to play
-The player will choose their game avatar.
-The first level will be pop music.
-The player will then be able to start the game and have 5 lives.
-The player will have to jump across vinyls and try not to fall.
-if the player falls they will have to restart the level and loose a life.
-if the character collects a rare vinyl it will give them the ability to resurrect from where the they died in the game instead of starting again.
-The aim of the game is to make it across all the vinyls so they can level up and move onto a different genre.
To play Record Scratch the player will need a PC. The game is advertised to people with a PC because at the moment it will not be targeted at people who play video games on their phones. PC will ultimately work best for this game because of its genre and game play. The game will be played with ease on a PC and the players scores will be saved and be able to be viewed whenever they want.
System Requirements
The aim for Record Scratch is that it will be able to be played on most PC's . The game should hopefully not take up too much of the players PC's memory that is one thing that I find is a real no go because if a game takes up too much memory odds are people aren't going to want to download it or tell a friend about it. The game shouldn't be too hard on the on the processor as well but that can also depend on the players PC.
Game Architechture
The player will start the game by
- First pick a character
- Once character is picked the game will be ready to start
- The game is in the characters perspective
- Player will look out in front of them and see the vinyls ahead
- The player can now start and jump on to the first vinyk
- The player will keep going and avoid falling
- The player will have a chance to collect a prize or continue jumping
- Player picks the prize they win a life
- Player ignores the prize they get noting
- Player falls off a vinyl
- The life they won will let them start from where they fell
- Player who didn't get the prize starts again
- Steps will repeat till player finishes levels
User Interface (controls)
The game will be simple enough to play
-To move forward the character will simply press the right arrow key
-To move backward the character will press the left arrow key
-To jump up the character will press the arrow key facing up
-To jump down the character will press the arrow facing down
-To collect a prize the character will press the P key to indicate they have taken the prized it will display in their prize box
Artwork (design)
Record scratch will be slightly influenced by the super Mario bros world. The characters will standout and have their own special features which make them unique.
the only requirements I have for Dylan Bob are that he has his signature big curly hair and that his outfit will be a colourful flared suit. I want him to be simple but also funny and intriguing.
Nicky Steve, I would like her to have long blonde hair and also wear a flared colourful suit. This character is slightly based off of Stevie Nicks so I would like her to have some resemblance to the iconic singer songwritter.
I want record scratch to be visually stunning but not be too overly complicated this world is supposed to be fun and fresh I dont want it to look too perfect or clean thats not what record scratch is about in my eyes. Its about going wild and enjoying yourself so I want the graphics to reflect that in some ways.
Technical Requirements
Record Scratch will need a PC to be played it isn't targeted to people who mostly play games on their phones. PC is the best platform for the game because all in all it just makes more sense because of the type of game I'm creating. In the future the game will hopefully be targeted at people who play games on their phone but for the time being PC is going to be what the player will need to play the game effectively.
Heads Up Display (HUD)
The heads up display will show
-How many lives the character has left these will be shown with the use of hearts at the top right corner of the screen
-At the bottom left corner there will be a small box where the special items/prizes have been collected and will be stored
-Going across the bottom of the screen will be a simple line which will indicate how far along the charter is and if their are special items coming up.
-At the top left hand corner there will be a score box showing how many points the player has accumulated and how many levels they have surpassed.
There will be two characters to choose from in record scratch.
-The first character will be Dylan Bob.
-The other character will be Nicky Steve.
They are named after famous musical artists but with a slight spin on their original names. The characters will be able to jump across vinyls but their state will be still with slight movement in the arms. I want these characters to stand out record scratch is a bold and exciting world so I want the character to look like they belong there and not as though they could be used for any other game on the market. When the character is chosen they will move slightly to indicate they have been picked. When the character is actually in the game and about to start jumping from vinyl to vinyl they will simply jump up and down with the use of the arrow keys. when the character is looking around the game world they will spin slowly.
Character 1
Character one is called Dylan Bob
Dylan Bob will be sort of a rockstar he is the face of Record scratch. The character will be simple graphics but will also show some miner facial details. I want Dylan Bobs Hair to be the main standout feature about him, he will have big curly hair to distinguish him. I want Dylan Bob to be a character thats specifically works and for record scratch he has to look like he belongs in this crazy musical world so he will have to look the part with a fun colourful suit.
Dylan Bob is obviously inspired by the legendary Bob Dylan, so Dylan Bob will be highly influenced by Bob Dylan's style and overall aesthetic. Bob Dylan is a music icon and I want the character of Dylan Bob to be the legend of record scratch. So I thought it would be perfect to draw inspiration from him and have a character be slightly based off of him.
Level Design
Level one of record scratch will be based off of the pop music genre
-The pop world will consist of very bright colours and obviously bubbly pop music that plays in the background. The mission is to jump across the vinyls and to collect special prize vinyls that can only be collected in the pop world which will be coloured pink. These vinyls will increase the players overall score and give them special immunities throughout the game.
Level two will be based off of the Rock and Roll genre of music
-This rock world will have rock and roll music playing in the background and unlike the pop world the colours will be more rich and muted e.g. reds blacks dark greys and purple. The overall mission will be the same as the pop world but the special prize vinyls in the rock and roll world will be a dark red that will also give the player special immunities.
Level three will be based off of the genre of Dance music
-This level is the so Called boss level it will be harder then the two levels before and the special prize vinyls which will be rainbow coloured will be extremely rare and hard to find. The dance genre world will be the most brightly coloured of all the genres their will be lights flashing and special spinning vinyls which will make it harder for the player to jump on to and increases the chances of falling and having to start the level over again.
Global Elements
The background of the world will be static for each level and show different objects that correspond with the genre of music which the level is based on.
Objects that will not interact with the player will the score board and the background objects such as electric guitars and microphones.
The camera will view part of the level the player is on and keep moving as the player goes on. The scale of the world will be quite small but still show just how much is involved in Record Scratch
Player View
The player view will be first person, so the player will have the feeling of actually being in the game record scratch. I want the players to be more aware of the surroundings and also take in what Record scratch is. The player won't be able to see the characters body during game play.
Game Flow Chart

Record Scratch has been in the making for a few weeks now. I first brainstormed ideas that would make an interesting game to create. Record Scratch was clearly my strongest idea from the start.
Research was carried out to make sure this game was doable and a strong concept. I looked into what type of genre it was going to identify with and from there Record Scratch started to kick into motion.
I created a vision statement for the game looked at other peoples comments on my idea and took their advice on how it could be improved and made into something everyone would enjoy and want to play.
It was also decided that the game would be best for PC's and it would also be good for it to work on mostly all of them so the game can be shared as much as possible.
I will now start to focus more on the art style I want and then the sound effects and music I want to be included in the game.
Abstract Classes/Components
There will be special vinyls that if the player collects them they will win a mystery prize that will help them throughout the game.
These vinyls will be really colourful almost tye-die so that they will be easy to distinguish to the player that it is a rare vinyl.
Audio & Sound F/x
Each level in Record scratch is a different music genre so that means that each level will have to have the music that corresponds with the music genre.
For the first level which is pop the music will have to be bubbly and bright and fast. Pop music is happy can be fun to listen to so that will have to be portrayed with the audio that is chosen.
For the second level the music genre is Rock so the audio will have to obviously be based off of rock music. I would like electric guitars to playing and for the sound to be bold and brash.
For the third level the genre of music is dance music. I would like this level to almost seem chaotic so the music/audio will have to go with that. Dance music itself is quite in your face and exciting so I would like the audio to represent that.
Technical Requirements
If the player wants to hear sound they will obviously have to have their volume turned on to hear the audio and music. It would benefit the player to have headphones so that if they where in a public place they would be able to listen to the audio and be emerged in the game. If the player doesn't want sound they will be able to mute the games sound this will come in handy if the player is in a public place and cant play loud music.
Player Elements
When a character is chosen the character will make a small "YE" sound to help indicate they have been picked
When the character is jumping it will make a small "bong" sound like a spring almost
If the character loses a life there will be a slight vibration that will happen
If the character dies there will be a very low "bang" sound with indicates the character has died and the player has to start again.
Global Elements
The background music will depend on which level the player is on, as I have said if its pop music the music will be bouncy and bubbly and for example if its the rock genre level the music will be brash and loud.
- If a prize is collected there will be a "Pop" noise to indicate its been received
- If a a Rare vinyl is collected there will be a "DING Ding" noise to indicate it has been revived.
- If a character finishes a level there will be a "Hooray" sound to let the player know that level has been completed.
- If the character uses a life there will be a "Whoosh" sound.
Splash Screens
For now the idea of having a splash screen for Record Scratch doesn't seem needed. But if I do decide to go ahead with a splash screen the background music will be very a very quiet acoustic guitar playing.
Menu Fx
- The main menu control buttons e.g. start button will make a "ding ding ding ding" to indicate the game is now ready to start.
- When the characters are picked the background music will get louder and more upbeat.
- When the chaarcter wants a better look at a prize and if its spinning it will make a little tapping noise.
- There will also be an option to turn off all the audio in the main menu.
The Game will be marketed on different social platforms so that it can create a hype around it and be ready to be released.
The game should be marketed as a game for people who love music and computer games and enjoy the simple gameplay and just want a something to play when they are bored or to have an escape.
Key Features
Key Features of the Game
-There will be 3 levels
-The game doesn't have a time restriction
-There will be no such enemies in the game
-There will be two characters who the player will get to chose from
-There will be prizes to be won over the course of the game
-Music will always be playing (different genres for different levels)