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Game Design Document

Game Design Document

Created by Marcin Grabicki

Game Introduction

Introducing Escape! A multi level fast phased game where you, the player need to help our main character Max find his way back home! Escape! is a multi level story based obstacle game. 

The goal is simple, survive, conquer and collect. You will need to get pass all the challenges that will be thrown at you while you make your way through the unfriendly universes trying to collect the keys that will help Max get his normal life back.

Action, Adventure
10 and up
3D Environment



The story of Escape! is one that most of us are familiar with or perhaps already heard, saw or even watched. Max is your ordinary 18 year old guy living a really normal life. A life he considers to be really boring. He is a student working part time at a law firm while also studying Law, a course that recently he feel out of interest with and now doesn't know how to tell his parents/friends that helped him get it that he no longer whats to study law. Max is the oldest sibling out of the two, he has a younger sister called Kylie, him mom Karen and dad Ethan. To everyone else Max and his family sound like your all 'normally boring' family but to Max its hell. His father being a lawyer and mother being a head manager at a multi million company, Max is faced with a lot of pressure to be successful but always seems to find himself as the disappointment in the family when compared to his sister Kylie.

Escape! Storyline

Max's outlook on life is gloomy and dull. But, one day he decides to change that when he hears that his class got special access to a go and visit a top class Scientific Research Organisation to carry out a project. On the day of the trip the class arrives at the facility and they begin by getting a tour around the different departments. While on the tour, Max only listens to all the non-law parts and slowly wonders off into his own head. He finds himself loosing his group after looking at a working carrying out experiments behind glass. One thing leads to another and Max ends up in a huge empty room. The only thing present in the room is a big circle shaped machine. He accidentally turns it on and get teleported into another universe. Now, his biggest priority is to survive the challenges and obstacles in each universe and collect keys at every end point. These keys can then be used later on at the end of the game to active that machine back on to get Max back to his boring life.

How to Play

To play Escape! the player must team up with Max and help him pass all the obstacles that the different types of universes have in store while collecting keys. Being a multi level game Escape! will feature a few different universes. Each time Max enters a new universe everything will change. The environment, the wildlife, the overall feeling, the obstacles and the challenge. As you reach the end point of each universe, you will be presented with a key. After collecting the required amount of keys at each end point, Max can then use the keys to re-active the machine to get back to his old 'boring and normal' life.


Escape! will be designed and programmed entirely using the Unity 3D game engine. 

System Requirements

Escape! will require players to use either PC or Mac based operating systems to play the game

Game Architechture

User Interface (controls)

The controls for Escape! are simple.

Left Arrow - move to the left

Right Arrow - move to the right

Up Arrow - move up

Down Arrow - move down

Spacebar - jump

Mouse - use to look around

Artwork (design)

The current artwork for Escape! is in the process of being made but the following images down below are inspiration pieces taken from the internet.

Heads Up Display (HUD)

Escape! will provide a always on head up display that will include the characters health, the players game progression in the current level and other additional features 


Escape! introduces a new character Max! Max is 18 years old. He is tall with green eyes and short black hair.

His current image is in the process but the following image is inspiration art for what Max could end up looking like.

Level Design

The level design will feature a number (amount to be determined) of different universes/worlds containing a wide variety of obstacles and engaging surroundings spilled across many different levels. Levels that will get harder as the player progresses. Each time the player enters into a new universe everything will change including things like the overall feeling, environment, local area, scenery etc.

Player View

When playing Escape! the player will be either in 1st or 3rd person view. Still to be determined 

Audio & Sound F/x

The audio & sound will feature custom music made specifically for the game with in game sounds for things like walking and interacting with the environment. Each time a change occurs to the environment the music will change to better suit the new level .

Key Features

The task is simple! Help Max get pass the obstacles and challenges to the keys! Help him return home.