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Created by Aaron Comiskey

Game Introduction

Target audience & platforms
Look and Feel


My story will follow a young boy/man who is lost and hungry. He will have to trek through a diverse 3d world by jumping from platform to platform and collecting food as he goes. I think this story is very unique and will immerse users into the game.

How to Play

my game will be easy to control as I find games with lots of controls to be very confusing. you will use the space bar to jump and the arrow keys to move. This game will hopefully be very easy to control as i find games that have a whole load of controls to be quite confusing and they put off the casual player to play them. 

Artwork (design)

my game will hopefully be very colourful and based on the colours of super mario as I find games that are dull to be very boring and they do not make you want to play it.

Technical Requirements

My game wont be very technical at all. My game will be made on unity and made using c#. I will have randomly spawning enemies that will change up how you play each time and this will hopefully give the game a lot of replay-ability

Character 1

my character will be a boy/man who is homeless and in desperate need of food. My character will be able to jump from platform to platform and jump on enemy heads to kill them.

Level Design

My level will be hopefully be very fun and have replay-ability. My terrain will be very open and will allow the player to explore lots and give them more to do. enemies will randomly spawn and to kill them you will have to jump on their heads. You will not get any weapons in this game so that will add a bit of a challenge to the game. The player will have to dodge enemies and jump on their head.

The level will be very colourful and will be an open 3d world that gives you a lot of terrain to explore.

Player View

hopefully my game will be in 3rd person view so you can actually see the character and get more immersed in the game

Audio & Sound F/x

i will hopefully use sound effects that fit in with the style of the game that I am going for and add to the overall experince of my game. I will add sound effects in when you collect food and when you die