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Tank Arena

Tank Arena

Created by Sam George

Tank Arena is a turn-based, arcade style arena game where players will compete in one-on-one, high paced combat sessions. Players will be able to select from one of three main weapons to defeat either another person or a bot controlled tank.

Tank Arena is an arcade arena game where up to two players compete to see whose tank combat skills are the best.

Game Introduction

Tank Arena is an arcade-style game that uses unilateral competition to keep players engaged and motivated. The design is simple enough to permit a wide audience, which increases the potential market value of the game.

Arcade, Arena
Gameplay will be comprised of a player or players taking turns moving their tank, aiming, and firing on their opponent. Each round will end when only one player remains.
Target audience & platforms
The target audience is players between the ages of 20 and 45 based upon Google Analytics for similar games. The game will initially be made available on desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux) but will be portable to WebGL and mobile (Android, maybe iOS).
Look and Feel
The game's artwork will be simple, based on blending of primitive shapes and using simple textures, mostly single colors. Animations will be in the same simple style.

How to Play

Destroy your opponent's tank before they destroy yours.


Players will move their tank by utilizing either keyboard or UI inputs as detailed in the User Interface (Controls) section below.


Players can click/tap and drag anywhere on the screen that is not filled with a UI element to move the camera.


Players will aim their turret by tapping and holding a UI version of an analog stick.


Players will fire their turret by tapping the "Fire" button.

System Requirements

User Interface (controls)

  • Horizontal: A/D, Left/Right arrows, or a UI slider
  • Aiming: click and drag on UI analog stick
  • Firing: UI button (click)
  • Menu: UI button (click)

Technical Requirements

Heads Up Display (HUD)

Gameplay: There will be a fuel gauge that depletes as the player moves, a health bar for each player, an image of the selected weapon, a list of weapons will show when the selected weapon is clicked or tapped, a fire button which ends a player's turn, and a left/right oriented slider for movement when on mobile. The background will be moved via player input and when the player nears the edge of the viewed area.

Main Menu: The main menu will have buttons for starting the game, changing basic settings, and quitting to the desktop.

Option Menu: The option menu will contain options for toggling either music or sound effects on or off.

Fuel Gauge (Full)    Fuel Gauge (Empty)


Main Menu

Option Menu

Main Player

This is tank will be used by default in player vs bot games or for player one of a two player game.

Second Player

This tank will always be the antagonist for the Main Player and is either controlled by bot code or a second player.

Level Design

The level design of Tank Arena is intentionally very basic, involving hilly terrain generated randomly at the start of play. This design increases player engagement by making memorization of levels impossible and maximizing the amount of thought players must put into aiming.

Sample Terrain

(The white square is the area actively rendered on the player's device at minimum zoom.)

Global Elements

These artistic assets are static throughout game-play, providing ambiance for the game.


Player View

Player/ Gameplay UI

Game Flow Chart


Tank Arena uses a modified version of the Middle Displacement algorithm to generate randomized terrain at the beginning of each play session and utilizes key base classes to increase the game's overall scalability for future expansion. Player input is handled by the standard Unity Event System, however this is overridden on mobile devices by UI input events.

Backend Classes

Base Classes/ Components

Derived Classes

Player Elements

Global Elements

Menu Fx