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Rapid River Race

Rapid River Race

Created by Sean Clarke

Game Introduction

Rapid River Race is a one player driver simulation strategy game in which the player must race against the clock to collect as many coins as possible while also avoiding different obstacles on its path. 
The genre of the game is Vehicle Simulation with elements of Strategy as the player will be trying to avoid different objects while they navigate down the river.
When the player spawns they must move along the river in a race against the clock. On their way they must collect all the coins while avoiding falling objects in their path. If they make it down the river after collecting each coin and avoiding the obstacles, they win. If they miss any or hit into any obstacles, they lose. A win/lose message will appear on the screen after you win/lose.
Target audience & platforms
The target audience for this game is for anybody who likes a quick and straight forward game. Somebody who enjoys playing app games like Subway Surfers or Temple Run may enjoy it more than somebody who likes a game with a solid storyline. The game is suitable to be played by all ages as long as they know basic keyboard skills.
Look and Feel
The game will be set along a river in a Jungle type setting. While the player makes their way down the river they will be surrounded by greenery from the trees and the sky above will be clear blue.


Rapid River Race is a PC/Laptop one player game and it is a combination of Vehicle Simulation/Platform and Strategy. In it you will be in control of a boat sailing along a jungles river. You must collect coins and avoid obstacles before the time is up - if you do not - GAME OVER!

How to Play

You must collect coins and avoid obstacles before the time is up - if you do not - GAME OVER!

The instructions on how to navigate the boat are as follows:
The player uses the Up and Down arrow keys on keyboard to move forwards or backwards.
The players uses the Right and Left arrow keys on the keyboard to move forwards or backwards. 

Artwork (design)

The artwork of the game won't be too complex. The player will be on a boat that is sailing down a blue coloured river. They will be surrounded by plenty of trees filled with the colour green from the leaves. Above will be a clear blue sky as the game is set outside. 

Technical Requirements

As the game is only going to be available on PC/Laptop there isn't many technical requirements. The keyboard is also used as the player controller meaning no additional controller will be needed. 

Heads Up Display (HUD)

This will let the player know how much time they have left to complete the level.
Coin Counter
This will tell them how many coins they have successfully collected so far in the game e.g 2/10.


There are no characters in the game. The player will be controlling the boat and there will be no choice of a different boat.

Level Design

It will be a one level game. The player must successfully collect every coin and avoid each obstacle to complete the level, if they don't, they must restart the level.

Global Elements

Player Boundaries
The player must avoid hitting into the sides of the riverbed and also into any of the obstacles it faces. If they do it means game over.
Camera View
The camera will be placed directly behind the boat at a high enough angle.

Player View

The camera will be at a third person perspective. It will follow the player from directly behind the boat at a high angle. 

Game Flow Chart

Player Spawns


   Drive Boat


 Collect Coins


Avoid Objects


Beat The Clock


   Game Over

Audio & Sound F/x

There will be no music that plays in the background
As the game is set on a river, as the player travels down there will be a continuous sound of the water throughout the game.
The river is running through a jungle so the player will be able to hear different noises like birds chirping and monkeys grunting.
The player is playing as a boat so the motor of the boat will be heard quietly throughout the game.
When the timer reaches its final 10 seconds it will indicate the player by playing a ticking sound
Coin Collecting
As the player collects each coin a noise will play to inform them they have collected it successfully.


The game will be created on the gaming software Unity 3D.

User Interface (controls)

Directional Buttons
Up and down represent the movement of going forwards and backwards. Right and Left represent the movement of going side to side.