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my game balloons shooter clown  judy

my game balloons shooter clown judy

Created by Judy Nakchbandi


the game require you to move around  and shoot you can control the shooting by not pressing space, 

System Requirements

no leaving the world, end of the edges on the floor i will write that on the script

Key Features

you have health bar green is being fully healthy then orange then red like a traffic light

number of enemies = balloons, and if you loose the clown will kill you, Time of Game Play

Game Introduction

Target audience & platforms
Look and Feel

Technical Requirements

to star off

Heads Up Display (HUD)

the game rule will be straightforward 

once you open the game=

the menu will pop up and the instructions are in the menu as in 


one character (player) 


Global Elements

for my global elements as in what our world in the game would look like, there would be about maybe 3 backgrounds 

morning, evening, night as the day changes 

Game Flow Chart