Game Introduction
The game will be a third-person racing game, very 80's inspired. The player will take control of a classic 80's sports car and will be racing down a motorway away from the police. There will be oncoming traffic and obstacles that the player must dodge by moving the car left and right, if the player hits any of these, the car will crash and the game will end and the player will be brought back to the start screen.
- Genre
- Racing Game
- GamePlay
- The player is in control of a classic 80s sports car and is escaping from the police by speeding down the road and dodging oncoming obstacles.
- Target audience & platforms
- Teenagers and young adults
- Look and Feel
- 80s retro-themed with low graphics to make it look like it was made in 1988.
The player is a street racer showing off his new sports car and takes off from a red light (the start screen) and is chased by the police and must avoid crashing the car.
How to Play
The car will move forward on its own and the player will control the left and right movement with the left and right arrow keys or the A and D keys.
Artwork (design)
The overall artwork will follow an 80s arcade-like theme, with blocky and pixilated 16-bit graphics. The visual aesthetic will follow a similar theme of the 80's Sega game "Out Run".

While the colour pallet will be more like the modern 80s themed racing game "OUTRUN".

Heads Up Display (HUD)
There will be a small HUD, which will mostly just be for the looks and not entirely functional, it will have the speedometer and rev counter of the car.
The player-controlled car will be a white Lamborghini Countach or a white Ferrari Testarossa, or maybe both and the player can choose but that will be decided later on.

Level Design
The level will be a motorway outside of a big city, the city will be visible in the distance but the player wont ever reach it. The road will be infinite. It will have all the proper road marking and there will be oncoming traffic, road work, and other obstacles on the road the player will have to dodge.
Player View
The player will view the car from a 3rd person view.

Sound Effects
I will try and get sounds of the actual cars revving their engines, I will also use tire screech sounds and police sirens for the start where there is a police car, and car beeping noises for the passing cars.
The game engine will be Unity and the game will be playable on desktop. I don't believe the game will take up too much memory or require much to be able to play as it will be kept quite simple.
Game Architechture

User Interface (controls)
Simple left and right controls, the player will be at a constant speed controlled by the game and won't have input on that.