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Birds on the Fly

Birds on the Fly

Created by Nasim Slavotic

Game Introduction

Birds on the Fly is a 2D Endless Runner game/flying game that uses the Unity 2D engine to immerse players where they are in a 2D world flying past infectious germ monsters to try and avoid. The player controls a bird who is trying to fly past as many of these infectious germ monsters as possible in which there will be a timer in the middle of the screen telling the player how much time they survived until they reach their demise. The key is to try and last as long as possible in the game before you meet your faith.
The game genre that I chose is going to be a Survival-based 2D Endless Runner.
When you enter the game, you will be presented with a game screen that tells you "Start Game". And then the game will immediately begin and the player will enter a game world that has a repeating background of a bright green tree scenery with a blue sky and mountains that your bird playable character will be flying across. I thought I could try to give the player the option to be able to choose their own bird colour like Red, Green, Blue, Brown etc. But for this game, I want to keep it simple and I want to use a Bluebird as the main playable character of the game. The way how the player can control the playable bird character is by pressing the up or down keys to go up and down while the bird flies by itself all the player has to do is tell the bird which direction to go which is either up or down to avoid the enemies of the game which are infectious green germ monsters. And if all of a sudden the player ends up hitting one of the infectious green germ monsters then the game will end immediately and a big "Game Over" sign will appear and will give you the option to play again so you can beat your previous survival time or not. There will be a HUD (Heads-up Display). This feature will show information on the time and how long the bird has lasted in the game. If you last for 30 seconds, for example, the game will have a timer in the middle telling you lasted 30 seconds. I am going to find some Royalty-free copyright free music to fit the theme of this game and will be adding sound effects such as the birds tweeting to immerse the player further in the game and a game-ending sound when the player dies in the game.
Target audience & platforms
The target audience for this game is casual gamers, people who are aged 10-20 years old. The majority of people who usually play games like this are casual gamers and just want to play when they are bored and have some free time in their hands.
Look and Feel

How to Play

The way how the player can control the playable bird character is by pressing the up or down keys to go up and down while the bird flies by itself all the player has to do is tell the bird which direction to go which is either up or down to avoid the enemies of the game which are infectious green germ monsters.

Heads Up Display (HUD)

There will be a HUD (Heads-up Display). This feature will show information on the time and how long the bird has lasted in the game. If you last for 30 seconds, for example, the game will have a timer in the middle telling you lasted 30 seconds.


A Bluebird is the main playable character of the game. Infectious Green Germ monsters are the enemies of the game.

Level Design

 It will be a one-level game and the level will be surrounded by trees, blue skies, and green scenery. It will have a consistent colour scheme that will have green, white, brown and blue. But once you start to survive a good amount of the level, it will all of sudden get harder so the player will fly even faster and therefore more challenging.

Player View

The player's view when playing will consist of a 2D game viewer perspective.

User Interface (controls)

The user interface will consist of the word "Play" with a green scenery background and when you press play the music starts and the game begins.


For the development of this game, I will be using Unity 2D and Visual Studios. I will be getting sprites and backgrounds from Unity.com