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Odd Places - Instructions

Odd Places - Instructions

Created by rene espinoza

Step into the shoes of urban explorers seeking to confront their fears while growing their fame among fellow streamers.

Game components reference, rules, instructions and mechanics.

Game Introduction

The Odd Places project is an intricately developed board game aiming to immerse players in a Urban Exploration horror experience, crafted by none other than myself, René Espinoza.

My goal is to bring a physical Edition into your homes, ready to be shared amongst friends.

Thanks to Tabletopia, I'm able to digitally prototype, allowing me to finely tune mechanics and gameplay for optimal enjoyment. This means that very soon, you'll also be able to delve into a free online version yourself!

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Ameri-trash style game revolving around action mechanics, events, cards, tokens, luck, dice, item usage, and abilities within a horror movie-inspired narrative.
The objective of the game is to venture into the wild nature surrounding the property until finding the entrance. Once inside, your curious nature will lead you to uncover the secrets lurking within. You must then prepare yourself, use the appropriate devices to gather evidence, and escape with valuable footage that will propel you straight to fame!
Target audience & platforms
The game features narrative elements that imply violence and should be approached with discretion. We are considering the production of a physical edition for home play. The physical version will contain small tokens that should be kept out of reach of young children. An open and free online version will also be available to play from any computer.

Game Components

Alpha version 0.1 total components.


Back Face

Indoor Tiles

15 Total

  1. Location.
  2. Walls, yellow line, not crossable.
  3. Door, crossable, lockable.
  4. Fate Square.
  5. Hiding Spot.

Outdoor Tiles

9 Total

  1. Location.
  2. Path Chances indicator, Pathfinding Tile Type.
  3. Path, dotted line, crossable..
  4. Fate Square.
  5. Hiding Spot.

Start/Goal Tile

1 Total

  1. Location.
  2. World Compass
  3. Open Path
  4. Start - Goal squares

Hedge Maze

  1. Location.
  2. Find the Exit Tile Type.
  3. Fate Square.
  4. Turn Loss but Exit found.
  5. Find the Exit Compass Square.
  6. Hedge line, yellow line, not crossable.




Pathfinding | Folliaje
Pathfinding | PathHiding | Found
Hiding | Not Found


Diary Card Back
Diary Card Front

Item Card Back
Item Card Front

Pop Corn Card Back
Pop Corn Card Front


Explorer's Standee Mini Card - Double Sided

12 Total

Explorer's Profile - Shared Side

6 Total


Inhabitant's Standee Mini Card Back

Human Card Back
Cryptid Card BackSpectral Card BackDemonic Card Back

Inhabitant's Standee Mini Card Front

24 Total

Inhabitant's Profile - Shared Side

12 Total


White / Explorers

3 Total

Black / Inhabitants

3 Total


1 Total

Initial Game Setup

Let us set things up.

Character Selection

  • First, we will select the Explorer we are going to play with by taking its Profile Card. Each one possesses unique traits, and each  card features a different explorer on each side, so only one of them can be used in game.
  • Each player must take their respective Standee Card, and a plastic stand to hold the card upright.
  • On the Profile Card, look at the "Profile Traits" section to see the Tokens your profile requires and place them in your personal playing area.
  • Take four "Turn" tokens and place them on your Profile Card over the right side icons in the "Cooldown & Stats" section.

Fate Bag Setup

  • Each player takes the Pop Corn tokens assigned to their Explorer and stacks them next to the Fate Bag.
  • Stack the Item and Padlock tokens according to the following guide:

1 player: 1 Item, 1 Padlock.

2 players: 1 Item, 2 Padlocks.

3 players: 2 Items, 2 Padlocks.

4 players: 3 Items, 2 Padlocks.

  • Finally, add a Fate token.
  • Once you have all of them counted, put them into the Fate Bag.

Outdoor Tiles Setup

  • From the stack of Outdoor Tiles, select all the "Forest" type, separate them, and place them in a face-down pile, then shuffle them.
  • Select the Outdoor Tile "Main Entrance" and place it face down to start a separate pile.
  • Depending on the number of players: (Without looking the forest tiles)

1 Player: Add to the Main Entrance pile: Hedge Maze + Shed + 2 Forests

2 Players: Add to the Main Entrance pile: Shed + 2 Forests

3 Players: Add to the Main Entrance pile: Shed + 1 Forest

4 Players: Add to the Main Entrance pile: Shed

  • Shuffle the pile where Main Entrance is without looking. Place the remaining forest pile on top of the Main Entrance pile; this stack is ready to start playing.
  • Finally, place the Start/Goal Tile in the playing area and the stack of exterior tiles nearby, within reach.

Indoor Tiles Setup

  • From the stack of Indoor Tiles, select all the "Bedroom", "Studio" and "Bathroom" type, make a face down pile and shuffle.
  • Shuffle the rest and pile them up on top of the first pile.

The Indoor Tiles are ready.

Final Setup

  • Stack all Item cards, shuffle them, and place them face down in a nearby area.
  • Stack all Pop Corn cards, shuffle them, and place them face down in a nearby area.
  • Stack the 4 Diary cards, shuffle them, draw one card without looking at it, and return it to the box without viewing it. Place the pile in a nearby area.
  • Stack each type of Inhabitants separately, shuffle each pile, and place the four piles face down.
  • Gather the white, black and the compass die within reach.
  • Stack Foliage and Path tokens separately and place them near the starting area.
  • Make a pile with 1 Valuable Footage token for each player.
  • Gather the Prey Tokens in a pile.

You are ready to start playing!

How to Play

Each player consumes different actions to meet their goals, Movement actions, Generic Actions, Tile specific actions and Item based actions.

Once the explorer's actions are depleted the turn ends and the next explorer's turn begins.

There is no specific order for Explorer's turn, so anyone can decide who goes next.

Once all players ends their turn, the Inhabitant's Turn begin, only if the inhabitant has been revealed.

Once the Inhabitant's Turn ends the Round ends.

Explorer's Profile Card

Each player's turn consists of 6 Actions they must spend to navigate and accomplish their objectives.
The Explorer's Profile Card features counters in the Actions & Cooldown Stats section. The player must keep track of their expenditure or cooldown of their statistics each turn by placing and moving "Turn Tokens" over the counters to avoid losing count.

1 Profile Traits
The initial Tokens required by the Explorer
2 Action Traits
These Traits are Dice modifiers, which makes the explorer perform better in specific actions.
3 Cooldown Traits
Each Explorer performs different cooldown stats, at the start of the next round, each trait describes specific conditions to evaluate how the Explorer is able to recover stats.
4 Panic Attack
Behavior able to modify various aspects of the Caracter's Traits, Stats and Cooldowns as consequence of loosing all Sanity
5 Cooldown & Stats Area
These are the 4 Stats Counters, Actions, Fatigue, Health and Sanity
6 Actions Counter
The first counter is for Actions; once you consume all 6, or earlier if you choose, your turn ends, and it's the next player's turn, then the inhabitant's turn (if revealed), and finally, the round ends.
7 Fatigue Counter
An independent action performed to move extra squares. Cooldown is different for each Explorer
8 Health Counter
Vital counter, reaching zero means game over for the Explorer.
9 Sanity Counter
Sanity Counter, reaching zero means the Panic Attack activates
10 Prey Indicator
Evaluate each playing explorer at the end of the last player's turn, and place the Prey Token here to indicate which player is the Prey.
11 Inventory Area
Suggested area to keep the inventory items. Items are placed face down, looking at an item cost an action and rearranging the inventory takes 3 actions.
12 Active Item Area
Suggested area to keep the Active Item facing up.

Explorer | Movement Actions


You can spend one action to move one adjacent square horizontally or vertically, not diagonally.


In the Actions & Cooldown Stats section, the second counter is for Running/Fatigue. Running consumes separate actions but does not refresh like generic actions. Spend one Run action to move one square

1 Action
1 Fatigue

Explorer | Generic Actions


Spend 1 action to roll a die and attempt to pick a lock or unlock a locked item. You need one success to gain access.


End your Turn to stay in a Hiding Spot for the rest of the turn. To hide, there must be designated hiding spots with the crossed-out eye icon in your vicinity. Move to one of them, take as many Pick-a-Boo Tokens as indicated on your card, and check if the inhabitant is capable of modifying those. Shuffle them face down and select one, placing it in the hiding spot. If the inhabitant performs a checking action, you'll have to flip it over. If they find you, you may suffer further consequences.


Help move a fellow player in trouble. Position yourself next to their square, spend 1 action to move yourself and 1 action to move one square to your companion's side.

1 Action
Ends Turn
1 Action

Explorer | Outdoor Tile Actions

To venture into the territory, we must reveal the geography of the place by clearing Exterior Tiles one by one until we find the Main Entrance Tile to the Ranch.

The Start/Goal Tile defines the cardinal north with a Compass and has squares to place our characters. It is this tile that we position our standee Explorer and here we must return to with Valuable Footage in our possession to end the game.


Once the initial setup is done and we stand on the start squares take the first Outdoor Tile from the pile, flip it over, and place it on the north edge of the Start/Goal Tile this is the first reveal action.

From here on any further Tile Reveal needs to perform a Pathfinding action to be able to cross.

Path Cross:

To move from one terrain to the next, there must be a Path Token connecting them (the first terrain is open to walk from or to the Start/Goal Tile), you can only walk from one square to the parallel square of the adjacent terrain through a Path Token, spend 1 Walk Action to move  normally from one square to the next.


To find the path to cross or clear an adjacent tile, you must perform a Pathfinding action.
Each Outdoor Tile defines a possible number of paths to find on each edge, only one path exists, the first one you find.

1. Setup:

  • Take 1 Path Token from the assigned to your character. If you don't have any Path Tokens left, you must take one of the available paths from anywhere on the map and "Forget" it, meaning you'll reuse it for this new pathfinding action.
  • If the terrain indicates more possible paths (2 or 3), temporarily take other tokens from the game's reserve
  • Take the rest of the Foliage Tokens to complete 5 tokens relative to the 5 squares of the edge you want to reveal.
  • Place the 5 tokens face down on the table, shuffle them, and place them all next to each square on the tile edge we are standing on.

2. Execution:

  • Spend 1 action while positioned on the square next to any pathfinding token to flip it over.
  • If you flip a Folliage Token reposition yourself to try again until you find the Path Token
  • When you find the Path Token, leave the token in place on the edge between the two tiles, and return all other tokens to the reserve.

Any player can help reveal the path.

The player can cancel the setup and retrieve their token before revealing it simply by deciding to do so, or automatically if they decide to search for a path on another edge of the tile.

Hiding Spot

The crossed-out eye icon on the Tile Grid. See Hide mechanic.

Outdoor Fate Square

The Outdoor Fate Square is used to target locate PopCorn Card objectives, or  the Inhabitants Spawn at any point, the square is indicated in the outdoor tile's grid with a Fate Symbol.

There is no  Fate Bag actions on Outdoor Fate Squares.

Explorer | Indoor Tile Actions

Reveal Room:

When we venture inside the Ranch, we must clear the interior rooms. To do this, we must walk through the available doors, which are all open by default. Upon doing so, and at no cost of actions, we take the first tile from the stack of Interior Tiles and place it, rotating it to match one of its doors with the one we are crossing.

Door Passage:

To walk from one interior tile to another, you must walk on the squares where there is a door, located on some walls along the edge of the interior tiles, only if they are not locked with a padlock.

If all the Indoor Tiles have been revealed, doors that do not connect to other Indoor Tiles will remain blocked; it is not necessary to use Padlock Tokens for this.

The doors of the Indoor Tiles can connect to Outdoor Tiles; these will be open by default.

Hiding Spot:

The crossed-out eye icon on the Tile Grid. See Hide mechanic.

Fate Square

The Fate Square is used to perform Fate Actions, the square is indicated in the grid of the Indoor Tiles with a Fate symbol. Only indoors If you stand on this square, you can take a token from the Fate Bag, but only if there's no other token located on that square. It doesn't consume actions to do this.

This square is also the target location where we must arrive to perform the Investigation or Search actions indicated on the PopCorn Cards.

Likewise, this square is where we will position the Inhabitant when it is located by rolling the Compass die.

Item Interaction

Item cards do not occupy specific squares on a tile's grid; they are either present or not.
Active Area Items are placed facing up on the tile.
Discarded items are placed facing down on the tile.

If there is a card in a room, you can simply take it by being in the same room.

Action Range:

Some Items, Inhabitants, Popcorn Events indicate a range of distance for certain functions or effects, measured in Doors or Walls.

Door Distance: From the origin location, evaluate the adjacent Tiles in all directions and consider all possible pathways through doors, with the destination tile being any tile beyond the last door indicated in the respective instruction.

Wall Distance: From the origin location, evaluate the adjacent Tiles in all directions, with the destination tile being any tile beyond the last wall indicated in the respective instruction.

PopCorn Interaction:

PopCorn cards feature specific objectives such as Evade, Investigate, Search, Wait, Permanent. Once we draw a PopCorn token from the Fate Bag by performing a Fate Action, we must draw a PopCorn Card, read the instructions and place it in the designated Location.

To gain the reward indicated on the card, we must fulfill the objective described on it, after which we can take the card for our achievement hand and compete with other explorers to gain more fame.

All explorers can complete them and claim the reward. In cases where Fate is played and takes effect, the card will indicate who will be affected.

Explorer | Inventory and Item Actions

Item cards represent objects with various actions. If you acquire an Item Token from the bag, or succesfully Lockpick a token placed on the Fate Square, take an Item Card. Place the card in the "Active Item" space of your Character's Card if you have no active items, or put it in your Inventory Backpack.

Item cards do not occupy specific spaces on a tile's grid; they are either present or not. If there is a card in a room, you can simply take it by being in the same room.

Inventory Backpack:

The items you store in your Backpack must be organized in your playing area face down. Try to memorize the items you acquire before storing them, and try to remember their location.

Collect Items:

To pick up an item, place it in the active item space or in your backpack without consuming actions. If you already have an active item, you can store this one in your backpack.

Use Item:

Spend as many actions as indicated by the item in your hand and follow the instructions on the card.

Swap Item:

Spend one action to flip and look at an item in your backpack. If it's the item you want, swap it with your active item.

Organize Backpack:

Spend 3 actions to flip over all your items, rearrange them to your liking, and then flip them face down again.

Discard Item:

Discard an item at no cost, by placing the card face down in the room you are currently in. You cannot flip and look at discarded item cards in rooms where you are not present.

Item Exchange:

Stand next to another explorer; you can exchange the Active Item at no cost.

Use Item
Item Instructions
Swap Item
1 Action
Organize Backpack
3 Actions
Item Exchange
0 Actions

Explorer | Fate Actions

The Fate Bag

The Fate Bag is an opaque bag where Items, PopCorn, Padlocks, and Fate Tokens are grouped together. The player will empty it token by token by interacting from the Destination Square indicated in the grid of the Tiles.

When the player who found the last Fate Token from the Fate Bag finishes their turn, it should be refilled with all tokens on the board again.

Fate Square:

The square is indicated in the grid of the Indoor and Outdoor Tiles. Only if you stand on Indoor Fate Squares, you can take a token from the Fate Bag, and only if there's no other token located on that square. It doesn't consume actions to do this.

Drawn Token Possible Outcomes:


You've found an item. Flip an Item Card. You can Collect the Item or Discard it. Place the Token on the FateSquare of the room where you found it.


The show is about to start. Flip a PopCorn Card and follow the instructions on the card. Place the card in the indicated location. If the card triggers Fate, place a Fate Token from the reserve on top of the PopCorn card, and place the PopCorn Token on the Fate Square where you are located.


An item is hidden behind the padlock; you must use a Key from an Item card or attempt to force the padlock with a Lockpicking action.

Place the Padlock Token on the Destination Square you are currently on, with the image of a Closed Padlock to indicate that it hasn't been opened yet. Flip the token once you successfully open it.


If the inhabitant has not been revealed yet: You have found a Diary Page, take the first card from the prepared stack of 3. Place the Fate Token on the Destination Square you are currently on.

If the inhabitant has already been revealed: Draw a PopCorn Card, if Fate is an option on the card, it plays immediately. Place the PopCorn Card on its designated location and the Fate Token on top of it. Follor the Fate Instructions on the card.

Explorer | Capture | Main Objective

Each inhabitant's presence evidence can be captured with specific devices according to their nature. The explorer may, depending on the equipment used, record evidence of their presence in the place by performing actions with active capture items or area capture items.

Active Capture

Perform a Capture by spending as many actions as the item indicates.

Roll as many dice as Power indicates. A Success roll counts as a 1 Power, and a Fortune roll counts as 2.

Each inhabitant presents varying degrees of resistance to recording, making them more or less elusive. Therefore, the player must use more effective items and rely on luck to record evidence of the inhabitant successfully.

The inhabitant Activity Signal should be the same as the Signal the Item is capable of register.

The inhabitant's location must be within the Item's capture Range

Area Capture

Signal Recieved

Area Capture Items performs by their own, once an Area Capture type of item is active on a tile it will evaluate the registry criteria right at the start, during or end of the Inhabitant's taken action. This means if the inhabitant's starts, travels or ends within the item's Capture Range, the device has recieved a signal.

Placement Action | Device Setup

Spend as many actions as descibed besides "placement item" on the item's card.


Right after the Inhabitant's turn ends, only if the item recieved a signal diring the Inhabitant's turn, any player rolls as many dice as Power indicates. A Success roll counts as a 1 Power, and a Fortune roll counts as 2.

The inhabitant Activity Signal should be the same as the Signal the Item is capable of register.

Valuable Footage - Main Objective:

If a player manages to successfully Capture evidence, they will obtain the Valuable Footage token, which must be placed on the item that was able to record the evidence. This item must come into possession of a player to be placed on the player's profile card. Therefore, the player must carry this material with them until reaching the finish line.

  • Valuable footage can be transferred from one player to another with an Item Exchange action.
  • You only get 1 Valuable Footage per player, meaning a player cannot have 2 Valuable Footages.
  • If a player transfers their Valuable Footage to another explorer, they could try to obtain one for themselves again.

The Inhabitants

Each game aims to tell a different story and take the player by surprise.

For this, you must have prepared the stacks of cards for each type of inhabitant and have prepared the cards that reveal the pages of the diary.

The Revelation:

The Revelation is the mid-game stage where players gradually find the diary pages that recount how the person writing them descends into madness and reflects the terror on each page as they gradually uncover what lurks in that place.

For this, players can take tokens from the Fate Bag until they come across the Fate Token, which indicates that we have found the first page of the Diary. Then we take one of these cards and flip it.

The card indicates which Class of Inhabitant we must discard. Then take the indicated stack of inhabitants and return it to the box.

When the bag is empty, it will need to be refilled again and continue searching for the next Fate Token, traversing the house and interacting on the Destination Square of the rooms.

Upon finding the third page, the player will have discerned the nature of what resides there. With the class defined, the player will take one of the remaining class cards, and this will be the inhabitant that fate has decreed for your game.


Take the Inhabitant Card and place it in a plastic card stand. From among the Jumbo Inhabitant cards, select the indicated inhabitant. Place as many Black Dice as indicated to initialize the inhabitant.

Evaluate the Prey's criteria to determine the player who lurks and assess the Inhabitant's Location with the Compass die.

The Prey:

The player designated as The Prey according to the inhabitant's criteria must place a Fate Token on their personal card.

Each round, players must reassess the conditions of The Prey and ensure that it is the one with the highest priority for the Inhabitant.

The Prey will then be the target that directly influences the behavior and actions of the Inhabitant.

The Inhabitant's Turn:

Once we have revealed the inhabitant dwelling in the place, their turn begins after the Explorers' turn.

Inhabitant's Location:

Whenever the inhabitant is not present on the board, the turn starts with their location. For this, any player can roll the Compass die to determine the position of the Inhabitant. The result defines which Tile they will be located on.

Compass Die possible outcomes:

  • Cardinal Direction: Any of the 4 Tiles surrounding the tile where The Prey is located.
  • Turn: The inhabitant does not appear and loses its turn.
  • Fate: Place an additional Black Die for the inhabitant. If the inhabitant already has 3 Black Dice, nothing happens. The inhabitant does not appear and loses its turn.

Tile Position:

If the result indicates an existing Tile, place the inhabitant on the Destination Square.

According to the inhabitant's profile, if the result indicates a nonexistent tile, the inhabitant may lose its turn or be placed in the virtual space.


Each inhabitant presents unique qualities that are evaluated at the end of their turn, pay attention to the description of each trait and update the possible affected values involved.

Actions and Behavior:

Whenever the inhabitant is present on the board and immediately after a successful location, the inhabitant uses their available Black Dice. Each inhabitant presents their own behaviors, described in the actions section on their card.

All available dice must be rolled in a single roll. The number of Successes achieved establishes the corresponding action to be performed immediately. Fortune results add one Success to the result, and an additional Black Die to play in the next turn.

Black Dice:

The inhabitant's actions are carried out with the dice they have available, as specified on the card for how many dice appear initially.

Success: Rolling a 5 on a die is considered a Success.

Fortune: Rolling a 6 on a die is considered 2 Successes.

Gain of dice:

By default, each inhabitant will gain an extra die for each Fortune obtained in a roll. Some inhabitants are capable of gaining dice by effectively executing certain actions described specifically on their card.

A Fortune die result implies that 2 Successes will be taken into consideration for resolving actions, and an additional die is added to the inhabitant's card, which will be used in the following turn.

If the inhabitant already has 3 black dice, no more can be added, but each Fortune implies achieving more powerful action resolutions of up to 4, 5, or 6 Successes.

Loss of dice:

Each player may attempt to mitigate the actions of the inhabitant by targeting their weakness, for which we must prepare ourselves by equipping appropriate items to affect them.

Depending on the nature of the inhabitant, certain types of damage are capable of subtracting dice to prevent worse outcomes.

  • Bleeding
  • Esoterism
  • Martyrdom.
Each inhabitant presents varying degrees of resistance to their particular weakness, so the player must use more effective items and rely on luck to successfully inflict damage capable of mitigating the inhabitant's offense


Each inhabitant can be recorded with specific devices according to their nature. The explorer may, depending on the equipment used, record evidence of their presence in the place by performing actions with active items or area recording.

Each inhabitant presents varying degrees of resistance to recording, making them more or less elusive. Therefore, the player must use more effective items and rely on luck to record evidence of the inhabitant successfully.

Valuable Footage:

If a player manages to successfully record evidence, they will obtain the Valuable Footage token, which must be placed on the item that was able to record the evidence. This item must come into possession of a player to be placed on the player's profile card. Therefore, the player must carry this material with them until reaching the finish line.

  • Valuable footage can be transferred from one player to another with an Item Exchange action.
  • You only get 1 Valuable Footage per player, meaning a player cannot have 2 Valuable Footages.
  • If a player transfers their valuable material to another, they could try to obtain one for themselves again.

Inhabitant | Revelation

The Revelation is the mid-game stage where players gradually find the Diary Pages that recount how the person writing them descends into madness and reflects the terror on each page as they gradually uncover what lurks in that place.

For this, players can take tokens from the Fate Bag until they come across the Fate Token, which indicates that we have found the first page of the Diary. Then we take one of these cards and flip it.

The card indicates which Class of Inhabitant we must discard. Then take the indicated card stack and return it to the box.

When the bag is empty, it will need to be refilled again and continue searching for the next Fate Token, traversing the house and interacting on the Fate Square on rooms.

Upon finding the third page, the player will have discerned the nature of what resides there. With the class defined, the player will take one of the remaining class cards, for this shuffle and pick one, flip it, this will be the inhabitant that fate has decreed for your game.

Inhabitant Setup:

Take the Inhabitant Card and place it in a plastic card stand. From among the Inhabitant Profile Cards, select the indicated one.

Place as many Black Dice as indicated on the "1st Spawn" below the main picture, to initialize the inhabitant.

Evaluate the Prey's criteria to determine which player takes the Prey Token.

Inhabitant | The Prey

The player designated as The Prey according to the inhabitant's criteria must place a Prey Token on their personal card.

Each round, players must reassess the conditions of The Prey and ensure that it is the one with the highest priority for the Inhabitant.

The Prey will then be the target that directly influences the behavior and actions of the Inhabitant.

Inhabitant | Spawn

Once we have revealed the inhabitant dwelling in the place, their turn begins immediately after all Explorers' turn end.


Whenever the inhabitant is not present on the board, the turn starts with their Spawn. For this, any player can roll the Compass die to determine the position of the Inhabitant. The result defines which Tile they will be located on in relation with The Prey.

Compass Die possible outcomes:

  • Cardinal Direction: Any of the 4 Tiles surrounding the tile where The Prey is located.
  • Turn: The inhabitant does not appear and loses its turn.
  • Fate: Place an additional Black Die for the inhabitant. If the inhabitant already has 3 Black Dice, nothing happens. The inhabitant does not appear and loses its turn.
  • Outbounds: According to the inhabitant's profile, if the result indicates a nonexistent tile, the inhabitant may lose its turn or be placed in such virtual space.


If the result indicates an existing Tile, place the inhabitant on the Tile's Fate Square.

Inhabitant | Profile Card

1 Prey Criteria
Priority ordered from most at top to less at bottom
2 Traits
Each inhabitant presents unique qualities that are evaluated during their turn, pay attention to the description of each trait and update the possible affected values involved.
3 Seeking Trait
Prey Seeking behavior
4 | 1st Spawn
Initial Black Die count
5 Dice Gain
Dice gain Criteria
6 Dice Loss
Dice loss criteria, this is their weakness damage
7 Dice Count Area
Keep track of the Black Dice the Inhabitant will play on their turn.
8 Actions
Actions taken by playing the Black Dice on their turn, listed from 0 to 6 successes
9 Activity Signal
Type of signal the and required power to capture on each action with proper capture devices.

Inhabitant | Actions

Whenever the inhabitant is present on the board and immediately after a successful Spawn or Seeking, the inhabitant uses their available Black Dice.

Each inhabitant presents their own behaviors, described in the actions section on their card.

All available dice must be rolled in a single roll.

The number of Successes achieved establishes the corresponding action to be performed immediately.

Fortune results add one Success to the result, and an additional Black Die to play in the next turn.

Cooperative but Competitive

Is not until the end of the game, whenever explorers manage to get out of the site with valuable footage on their posession, that each player's are able to get back online and share their material with their communities, therefor, actions taken on the game are published rewarding the streamer's with followers.

This is where PopCorn hands are compared to see which one got more followers to bump their careers, setting a winner among the players.